How to accessorise on your wedding day

THINK headpieces, veils, trains, wraps and jewellery and let’s face it, brides love flower crowns.

Whether elegant and understated or big and bold, floral headpieces have been embellishing brides everywhere.

Shorter trains and veils (especially the birdcage veil) are popular, as are pretty boleros and shawls.

You may even want to consider making your veil detachable, ladies.

It’s practical, romantic and your photos will thank you.

For colder weather brides, choose wraps of faux fur, velvet, heavy satin, or pashmina.

Lightweight fabrics including organza, lace, tulle and chiffon make perfect wraps for the spring or summer bride and reduce sun exposure on bare arms and shoulders.

Pearls, rhinestones and crystals remain the top jewellery choice for necklaces and earrings.

Crystal brooches are also a popular accent for wearing on the dress, in the hair or on the bouquet handle.

Many brides are also accenting their shoes with shoe clips made from tulle, feathers and/or crystals.

It used to be that unless you’re the bride, wearing white to a wedding is a big no-no.

But the white bridesmaid’s dress seems to be a flourishing trend and it is paying off for our daring brides.

It’s the modern take on a white wedding: pure, soft and blissfully effortless.

  1. Jonny Kash
    Jonny Kash

    Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

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