6 top tips for planning a Sunshine Coast wedding

Wild Heart Weddings owner Emma Oxenbridge has shared her top tips for planning a Sunshine Coast wedding.

1. Do your research. There are hundreds of suppliers on the Coast. Try to ensure you find suppliers who match your style, budget and personality. It’s essential to get a good fit so that your planning can be smooth and stress free. It also helps if you get along well with the people who are working with you on the big day. 

2. Book as far in advance as possible to ensure you don’t miss out on your favourites.

3. Consider a winter wedding. Winter on the Coast is a gorgeous time of year and often venues and suppliers are more readily available during those months. You might even be lucky enough to snap up a winter discount.

4. Start a Pinterest page so that you can take visual examples of your wedding style along to any supplier meetings.

5. Plan a wedding that YOU want. Don’t feel like you have to please everyone else by sticking to outdated traditions. Be open minded and true to yourself.  

6. Have fun with it!

  1. Jonny Kash
    Jonny Kash

    Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, omnis voluptas assumenda est, omnis dolor repellendus.

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